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March '100 Club' Winners Announced!

March '100 Club' Winners Announced!

Dickon Moon28 Mar - 15:07
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Dodgy draw made from boot of Jerry's car in a pub car park!

In a very iffy draw made by Tim Evans in a pub car park out of the boot of Jerry's car, the following folks scooped the cash (allegedly!):

1st prize winner – 60% of the pot £81.00 goes to Martin Bevan

2nd prize winner – 30% of the pot £40.50 goes to Steve Dixon

3rd prize winner – 10% of the pot £13.50 goes to Mike Herring (again!)

Congratulations to all 3 winners and if you are not yet involved, it costs a £5er a month to enter and that prize money is creeping up - simply reach out to Jerry Rogers for more details on

Further reading